
Physics Quiz on Newton’s Laws of Motion
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1. According to Newton’s first law of motion, an object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with uniform velocity unless acted upon by an external force. Which of the following statements best describes this law?

Discussion for Question 1

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ⓐ. Objects always remain at rest unless a force acts upon them.
ⓑ. Objects always move with a constant speed unless a force acts upon them.
ⓒ. Objects always accelerate when a force acts upon them.
ⓓ. Objects resist any change in their state of motion.
2. Which of the following is an example of inertia?

Discussion for Question 2

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ⓐ. A ball rolling down a hill
ⓑ. A book lying on a table
ⓒ. A rocket taking off into space
ⓓ. A car accelerating on a highway
3. Which law of motion is also known as the law of inertia?

Discussion for Question 3

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ⓐ. Newton’s first law
ⓑ. Newton’s second law
ⓒ. Newton’s third law
ⓓ. None of the above

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