Airport Engineering Online MCQ Test – Paper-2

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Created by Nepal Lok Sewa

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  • Total number of questions: 30
  • Time allotted: 30 minutes
  • Passing Score: 40%
  • Certificate: No
  • Random questions: Yes
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  • All the best!

1 / 30

1. Speed of

2 / 30

2. According to the International Civil Aviation Organization (I.C.A.O.), the strength of runway pavements has been coded by

3 / 30

3. The headquarters of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is located in

4 / 30

4. Conical surface of the approach area rises outwards

5 / 30

5. If the width of the approach area near the runway end is 150 m, the width of the approach area at a distance of 3 kilometers from the runway end will be

6 / 30

6. Pick up the correct statement from the following

7 / 30

7. The minimum length of runway for class 'C' type airport is

8 / 30

8. Pick up the correct statement from the following

9 / 30

9. Ramp is a

10 / 30

10. The fastest mode of transport is

11 / 30

11. The mode of transport which can't be used in foggy weather is

12 / 30

12. International Civil Aviation Organization (I.C.A.O.) was set up at Montreal

13 / 30

13. Stopping distance for the aircraft during landing on the runway should be (Where V= Speed in kmph, t=reaction time, f=coefficient of friction, d=acceleration)

14 / 30

14. According to the International Civil Aviation Organization (I.C.A.O.), the runway lengths of aerodromes have been coded by

15 / 30

15. Pick up the correct statement from the following

16 / 30

16. If an aircraft is flying at a ground speed of 600 km/h in the air having a velocity of 100 km/h in the same direction, compute the airspeed of the aircraft

17 / 30

17. The name of the first plane that landed on the old golf course, which makes the present location of Tribhuvan International Airport is

18 / 30

18. The fuselage includes

19 / 30

19. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following

20 / 30

20. The minimum basic runway length of class 'A' type airport is

21 / 30

21. The cheapest mode of transport is

22 / 30

22. The design thickness of the pavement is decided on the load carried by

23 / 30

23. The minimum basic runway length of class 'E' type airport is

24 / 30

24. An aircraft is flying in an atmosphere of 30°C with a speed of 1234 km/h. Its speed is known as

25 / 30

25. Fuselage is parts of the aircraft for the accommodation of

26 / 30

26. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following

27 / 30

27. The depressions and undulations in the pavement are caused due to

28 / 30

28. The maximum value of the angle of turning of the nose gear for large jet aircraft is limited to

29 / 30

29. Runway is designed on the basis of

30 / 30

30. Pick up the component not applicable to airplanes

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