Airport Engineering Online MCQ Test – Paper-3

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Created by Nepal Lok Sewa

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  • Total number of questions: 50
  • Time allotted: 35 minutes
  • Passing Score: 60%
  • Certificate: Yes
  • Random questions: Yes
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  • All the best!

1 / 50

1. The length of the runway under standard atmospheric conditions at the site is 1800m. The design length of the runway is, if the actual RL of the site is 1200m

2 / 50

2. The number of international airports in Nepal till 2080

3 / 50

3. The shape of the landing direction indicator

4 / 50

4. As the elevation & temperature of the airport increases, the density of air

5 / 50

5. According to I.C.A.O., the recommended length of the airport is decided on

6 / 50

6. Runway dimension of TIA after extension held in 2020 AD is

7 / 50

7. Pick up the correct statement from the following

8 / 50

8. Fuselage is parts of the aircraft for the accommodation of

9 / 50

9. Apron is used for loading/unloading of passengers while taxiway is

10 / 50

10. In the premix asphalt concrete of airport pavement construction, the aggregate is also heated

11 / 50

11. The standard mean sea-level temperature is assumed as the temperature gradient equal to 6.5°C per 1000m rise in elevation

12 / 50

12. An aircraft is flying in an atmosphere of 30°C with a speed of 1234 km/h. Its speed is known as

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13. For the proposed runway stated in Q.55 if the aerodrome reference temperature is 17°C then the net designed length of the runway is

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14. The meteorological condition that influences the size and location of an airport is

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15. Two single runways may be arranged so as to have

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16. The headquarters of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is located in

17 / 50

17. The coordinates of the ends of a runway are (5000, 5000) and (8000, 7000). The coordinates of another runway are (4600, 5100) and (7000, 5300). The coordinates of the A.R.P are

18 / 50

18. Pick up the correct statement from the following

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19. A domestic airport is an airport that handles only

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20. To cope up with the high temperature of 196°C, the taxiways and aprons are constructed with

21 / 50

21. The proposed international airport in Nepal is

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22. The purpose of the apron in an aircraft is

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23. The threshold markings are

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24. Heliport is used for

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25. The depressions and undulations in the pavement of the runway are caused due to

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26. The angle between the longitudinal axis of the fuselage and an inclined plane below which the views of the pilots are blocked by some part of the aircraft is known as

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27. The roof of the hanger is made of

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28. The angle between the longitudinal axis of the fuselage and the horizontal axis is called

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29. Strength of runway pavement is expressed as

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30. For class A airport, the difference of reduced levels of the higher and lower edges of the conical surface is

31 / 50

31. The mode of transport which can't be used in foggy weather is

32 / 50

32. The runway of Tribhuvan International Airport is one way where landing occurs

33 / 50

33. Aircraft facilities found in aircraft are

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34. From the end of an instrumental runway, the approach surface rises outwards

35 / 50

35. In question 58 along with RL100 m, If the temperature at the airport site is 20°C then find the Runway length

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36. For the proposed airport, the survey project provides

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37. For night landing, the thresholds are lighted

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38. The ICAO has two governing bodies named

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39. The strength of winds is measured with the help of

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40. The marking of the taxiway is yellow while on the apron is

41 / 50

41. Pick up the correct statement from the following

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42. The depressions and undulations in the pavement are caused due to

43 / 50

43. Speed of

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44. The bearing of the 1st end of the straight runway is 90°. Find the runway number of the 1st end

45 / 50

45. The landing and takeoff of an aircraft are made against the direction of wind. In no case, the center line of the runway should make an angle with the wind direction exceeding

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46. Flight time refers to

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47. The meteorological condition that influences the size and location of an airport is

48 / 50

48. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following

49 / 50

49. Pick up the component not applicable to airplanes

50 / 50

50. The types of hanger used for parking a large-size aircraft are called

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